Roof Coating
Renovation & Protection

D+R Maintenance Solutions offer liquid applied solutions suitable for application to most types of substrates such as mineral felt, asphalt, asbestos, lead, slate, concrete and metal

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Roof Coating Solutions

We also specialise in the overlay of asbestos cement roofs and specifically:

Joints and Seams: The natural weak points of any roof is always the joints and seams. Over a period of time typically; these are the first areas to leak

Glazing Bars and Skylights: Glazing bars can leak when the seal between the bar and the glass shrinks or dries out. Our specialist applications can also repair skylights that are made of either glass or plastic

Gutters and Pipework: Leaks that have developed as a result of joints deteriorating or through movement in the roof substrate, can be cured by simple localised joint repairs or full gutter relining

Flashings and Penetrations: By over-coating the failed flashings with a flexible membrane, a life expectancy of up to 25 years can be achieved

Parapet Walls and Coping Stones: Water ingress in to the wall or cavity due to movement or cracking of the coping stones can be easily overcome by full or partial overlay

Total Over coating also available.

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Get In Touch

If you require any further information on our roof coating  solutions, please do not hesitate to contact us on:
01600 714462 or email us on: